You speculate. You worry. You imagine. You hope. You wonder, “What kind of father am I going to be?” During this journey I have been opened up to a new set of emotions and feelings. If you know me, I am a pretty feely guy and this is just a glimpse of the heart I feel He has given me for my daughter. It is telling, as well, to hear the echoes of the heart God has for you and me.
A Father Sees Beyond What is Seen
I have not even met you and yet the heart I have for you is growing beyond what I ever imagined. I have already begun to play with you, to teach you, to bless you. Your future is part of my future. Your very existence gives me foresight into the unknown. It’s a beautiful mystery being revealed to me.
A Father Loves
You have not done a single thing to deserve my love other than just “be” and yet that is all you will ever need to do to have my love. God is not loving, He is love. There is no other option. My daughter, you have that love from me, although imperfect, always.
A Father Hopes
I’ve never dreamed for someone else. You are the first. I have dreams that you will celebrate life and love this world as I have. That you will treat this place as a sacred playground where the Kingdom of God can be revealed. Don’t worry; my dreams will not be imposed upon you. Instead, I will create space in our relationship where your dreams can be fostered, given life, and blessed. You must have the freedom to dream. I will promise you that space.
A Father Encourages
With each kick you make I ask for more. I am rooting you on as you grow, get stronger, and flourish. Whatever you do, my girl, you will have me beside you cheering you on. I will never force, never push, nor ever demand. I will constantly encourage, always love, and continually bless whatever you do.
A Father is Jealous
It’s already begun. Images flashing through my mind of you walking down the aisle. There is obviously so much joy in that, but also a taste of the bitterness in the inevitable. I will recover, but you will always have my heart. There will be a time to let go of me and be joined to your husband. Know I am already praying for the man that will have the privilege and honor to call you his wife.
A Father Worries
Does God worry about us? I know I worry about you, but I obviously cannot know like He does. He can be grieved, but that’s not the same. I know my heart will probably be hurt by you and you will be hurt by me. Can we learn to forgive early and often? I will not build a fence around you and I will not try and protect you from every bad thing. You must learn to live life out of the life we have given you. I will learn to let go of my worry and trust you in the Hands of our God.
A Father Gives Good Gifts
Not just any gift. Eternal ones. You will be showered with them. You will say that I am silly for making you things, surprising you with presents, and just smiling at your beauty. But most of all, I want you to know that you are my perfect gift. You are eternal in more ways than you will ever know, my beautiful daughter.
This only scratches the surface of the heart that I have for you my sweet girl. And the love our God has for you is infinitely greater than anything I could provide. I cannot wait to share this life with you, to explore and discover together, and to show you just how special you are. Your mom and dad cannot wait to meet you. You have ushered in and revealed in us hearts we could only previously speculate upon. Oh what an amazing thing you are revealing. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Love Always, Your Dad.