Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Guest Blog - How you can help.

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE DONATIONS! We can't thank you guys enough for all the ways you are supporting our family. We are absolutely blown away. We have enough support to get us through this for the time being, so we took the donation link down. Praise God! Thanks again for all those who supported us with finances and prayer. Continue to pray for our little girls recovery.

Love you,

The Rosene's

Hi Everyone,

My name is Amy Ernst. Over the past year my husband and I have become close friends with the Rosenes. When they found out they were pregnant we were beyond excited for them. When they were told Charlotte had a heart defect we were crushed with them and without realizing it we watched too. We waited to see how this couple we loved and admired handled such life changing news. Through this incredibly tough time they have been such an amazing example of what it means to stand firm. To love others in the midst of pain. To give of yourself when you’re not sure you have anything left. Their lives truly reflect the hope we have in Christ Jesus. All that to say, their lives inspire us and have inspired this plea.

Like most of you we have wanted desperately to support their little family in this time. I know they have expressed to us how overwhelmed they are with all the prayer and love they have received. Here is another way I believe we can lighten their load so they can focus on their sweet baby girl. They will be staying in LA, close to the hospital Charlotte will be cared for. They could end up needing to stay in a hotel/temporary living for a month and possibly more. Our desire is to start a fund for them that will cover the cost and expenses that will come with that. Knowing the Rosenes, if the roles were reversed they would be first in line to offer whatever they could. This is a new position for them and it took a little convincing for them to let me do this! If you can give anything, no amount is insignificant, please do.

You can also email me at amychristine55@gmail.com to send a check or work something else out.

Thank you guys for loving on the Rosenes with us!

Amy, Zac, and Lindy Ernst


  1. This is wonderful! Thank you for setting such a blessing like this up! I can't wait to help out...this is what life is all about!!!
    Looking forward to meeting you soon, Amy!

  2. This is so great! Yesterday I thought to myself, "someone should start a fund to help the Rosene's when Charlotte is born." Thanks for setting this up!
